Supplier Guiding principle

Supplier Guiding principle
GemCorp Recycling and Technologies Pvt. Ltd. is a subsidiary of Gemini Corporation N.V., Belgium. We have our recycling facilities in 4 cities- Bangalore, Navi Mumbai, Ahmedabad and Bhiwadi. Our focus is to strengthen recycling system in a fair and equitable way. One of our objectives is to give a fresh life of what we call "waste": Zero waste to landfill environment. At Gemcorp, we are committed to business success by conservation of natural resources through principles of circular economy. Our focus is to recycle 5,00,000 tones annually by 2025 and we want this increase in recycling in such a way that would uplift the social status of the reclaimers and bring more plastic waste into circular economy chain.
Supplier guiding principles highlights our commitments towards human rights and accountability. Complying with these guidelines will benefit the society, suppliers dealing with us, and their workforce. We take into consideration of all the necessary human rights principles at workplace into our business which can be found in our employee handbook. We expect our suppliers to do the same.

Below mentioned principles are shared values between us and our suppliers:

Compliance with applicable laws, rules and regulations:

We expect our suppliers to comply with all the applicable laws, rules and regulations.

Child Labor:

Supplier shall not engage in any child labor nor shall support any child labor activity.

Forced Labor:

Supplier shall not involve in any slavery, bonded labor, physical abduction, withholding/non-payment of wages, physical or psychological violence as a means of keeping someone in forced labor, physical confinement in the work location, sale of person into the ownership of another, induced indebtedness and other forms of forced labor.

Workplace Abuse:

Supplier shall not verbally or physically or sexually abuse its employees and workers. Supplier shall treat their workers with dignity.

Freedom of movement, association, and collective bargaining:

Supplier shall not impose full or partial restrictions on freedom of movement, association, and collective bargaining.


Supplier shall not discriminate against anyone including but not limited to their employees and workers. Employee and worker hiring process or wages payment shall not involve any kind of discrimination on the grounds of race, gender, disability, belief, or any other basis.

Wages and work hours:

Supplier shall comply with all applicable laws relating to wages and work hours. Suppliers shall pay overtime to workers as defined in the applicable laws.

Occupational Health & Safety:

Supplier shall have to take care of the health and safety of all its workers by providing the appropriate PPE kit and maintaining cleanliness within the premise.


Supplier shall comply with all applicable environmental laws regarding plastic waste. Supplier must ensure efficient collection and handling of waste.

Business Integrity:

Supplier shall not indulge in any kind of bribes or fraudulent practices.

Management System:

Supplier shall have appropriate system that is effective enough to take care of all the compliance and human rights.

Gemcorp may conduct auditing of its suppliers with respect to the compliance of the guiding principles. Auditing can be done through its internal members or external members. If supplier is found with non-compliance, the supplier will be expected to follow the corrective actions suggested by Gemcorp.